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A Brighter You in '22 Begins With This Formula for Success!

As we gear up to enter a New Year, it's another opportunity to plan to deal with STRESS and Disappointment in healthier ways than we may have yesterday. One more year to strive for Magnificent Change through the Messy (and sometimes necessary) Challenges of Life!

To get started on your plan to combat STRESS, it may help to answer these questions for yourself...

➡️How have I been taking charge of the pressure of anxiety at home or work? Is there room for improvement in the New Year?

➡️How do I plan to avoid getting choked out by STRESS every day or month in the New Year?

➡️How do I see myself relieving my pillow the weight of worry?

➡️How might I Challenge Myself, Succeed in my Commitment, and Contribute in ways that energize me?

Overall, what might it mean to me to Take Magnificent Charge of My Life in 2022?

Asking yourself new questions leads to unique problem-solving and consideration of where you're at in the present...And it is what you choose to do today that will help predict better outcomes in your future...


As for me and my thoughts on Challenges in the New Year?

I'm a person who challenges myself to do things outside my comfort zone...Right into tomato throwing territory!

Trying things that sometimes scare me...

Things that may put me at risk of being made fun of/rejected...

Bigger things like writing and publishing a book...or speaking on the Global Stage...

Or on the smaller end, when I agreed to participate in the 22 push-ups a day Challenge for 22 days LIVE on Facebook--were you with me?...

If you saw those videos, you know it wasn't pretty!

And yet, I succeeded in completing that very uncomfortable Challenge!

Why? Because there was a vital PURPOSE (meaning) I attached to the Challenge that worked to hold my Commitment...

My key to showing up every day, not caring that I look silly, and seeing through to the end?

For me, it comes down to a One Plus One formula that I created for myself that EQUALS SUCCESS and that I'll soon share below...

Maybe you're that friend who remembers the time during COVID when I challenged myself to volunteer as my husband's Jiu-Jitsu training partner at the Academy he's been training at for over a decade...

Anyone who played any sport with me is probably laughing right now!

Attempting to execute the steps to Defend, Control, Finish was WAYYY outside my comfort zone--

And yet again, there was an essential PURPOSEFUL CONNECTION behind why I volunteered and was willing to look ridiculous...

Once again, my Commitment stuck...

So, you may think, "Oh, she's talking about PURPOSE here in the New Year..."

Well, sort of...

I'm talking about a simple One Plus One Formula to Equal Success in your Commitments in 2022...

I'm talking about a way to challenge yourself that lives alongside contribution...that allows you to see things through thoroughly and meaningfully...

I'm talking about taking charge of your life in a way that ENERGIZES rather than EXHAUSTS you!

When it comes to setting a New Year Goal or Resolution:

Have you noticed you can easily set a GOAL, but it isn't easy to fulfill?

Take a goal to lose ten pounds...It's easy to write down, but how might you participate in your progress in a way that holds your Attention and Commitment?

The goal to lose weight (or any goal) may very well hold 'some' purpose...But what is it that DRIVES YOU to remain COMMITTED over the long haul--even when things get tough?

What is it that makes it NECESSARY to complete?

The negative news is that STRESS, ANXIETY, AND WORRY are leading the way these days and causing many people's struggles and suffering...

The positive news is that you can begin by answering the questions you asked yourself at the beginning of this message...

How are you doing with your handling of STRESS? Did any of your answers stump you or surprise you?

Here's my WHAT IF on the topic of CHALLENGE AND COMMITMENT...

Here's a way to do both WITHOUT added stress and WITH HIGHER CONTRIBUTION in mind...

All of this works to REDUCE STRESS and REPLACES WORRY with the work of PROGRESS...

Think of Self-Care as an example OF A CHALLENGE you set out to engage in:

You may be that woman who's usually told, "You have to start putting yourself first! Stop thinking of others before yourself! Self-Care is a must!"

So, you set a goal to take care of yourself before others...

But...Usually, you can't shake this desire to help or care about others...Am I right? So, you again neglect to start, let alone complete the Challenge of Self-Care...Chances are, you put yourself back on track for future burnout...

You may be that man with a lifelong habit of hiding your worries and emotions around work-related and family-centered STRESS...Is this you?

If so, you may be familiar with the lonely feelings accompanying this way of processing pain...

You may not know the disturbing statistics of suicide among men that go along with this style of living...

For women in the description above...

WHAT IF...There is a way to embrace a natural tendency to want to be the caregiver of others? Is it possible TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES AT THE SAME TIME and avoid burnout?!!

Men...If you relate to the above, WHAT IF there was a way to communicate that relieves your worries? How might that work to drive your relationship with yourself and others forward rather than into a potential ditch?

What if there was a way to give HUGE contributions to others that ENERGIZE rather than deplete us?!

I'm talking about my One Plus One formula to Equal Success in Commitment to your Progress and Positive Potential Forward:

A SIMPLE formula helps me take charge of the pressures of anxiety holding me back and helps me avoid getting choked out by STRESS...


My formula goes like this:


Remember those awful Facebook push-ups I mentioned that I'm sure got laughs?

I was struggling to exercise regularly...

To be sure I built consistency into my day, I accepted a CHALLENGE to support a cause (combatting suicide among Veternas) to do 22 push-ups a day for 22 days!


One of my values?

To be there as much as possible for people and causes I care about most...

Thankfully, I've also come to value the state of my health in the same way...

Combining a Challenge + Contribution drives me to fulfill my commitments!

Remember my choice to volunteer as a Jiu-Jitsu partner to my husband?

Joining the Renzo Gracie Jiu-Jitsu team was a way to contribute to my husband's progress (I wish I could say it was me who helped him achieve his black belt, but at least I helped him keep fit!)

But the more profound motion to move me to volunteer came in listening to my husband describe the sport over the years...

I knew participating might help me overcome some internal challenges and fears plaguing me...And contributes to my Mental Health!

I learned that Jiu-Jitsu isn't about losing but learning...And that is a great way to view our lives every day, isn't it?...

Imagine reaching beyond your comfort zone this year...

Imagine Challenging Yourself to redefine and overcome struggle without the worry of losing and with the hope of learning...All while contributing your best to others...

Imagine Contributing in a way that energizes rather than exhausts you!

Whatever Challenge + Contribution you choose to combine, I'm here for you, cheering you on and knowing that when you set purposeful intention to do and be more, you successfully commit to living an uncommon Magnificent Lifestyle.

Please tune into my brand new 2022 Podcast, Redefine Your Struggle, set to launch this month! Please help me welcome my special guest, Shaun Zetlin, of Zetlin Fitness.

To create more Magnificent Change through messy (and sometimes necessary) challenges, join my 2022 network!

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